Example of method 3 "Retrieving fuel debris from the side”

Index > Considerations - 1. Dose reduction|Example of method 3 "Retrieving fuel debris from the side”

ⅱ) Considerations - 1. Dose reduction

Issues to be noted for the proposing method in terms of safety are explained below.

  • Clarification of objects for mote and close oprations
  • Method to minimize the workers' exposure

Issues requiring special attention 1. Dose reduction

(1)Prior preparation (2)Install barrier (3)Create opening on the side of PCV (4) Install equipment and access (5)Dismantle and remove internal structures (6)Retrieve fuel debris

(7)Transport canister (8)Clean-up equipment

(1) Prior preparation

  • Dose reduction for workers when transporting/installing equipment and removing it
  • Dose reduction for workers when investigating

(2) Install barrier

  • Dose reduction for workers when installing barrier

(3) Create opening on the side of PCV

  • Dose reduction for workers when installing opening on the wall of PCV
  • Dose rate reduction for external environment when removing installing opening on the wall of PCV

(4) Install equipment and access

(5) Dismantle and remove internal structures

  • Dose reduction for workers and external environment when dismantling and removing internal structures

(6) Retrieve fuel debris

  • Exposure of workers when cutting fuel debris
  • Dose reduction for external environment when cutting and storing fuel debris

(7) Collect fuel debris and transfer canisters

  • Dose reduction for workers when storing fuel debris
  • Dose reduction for external environment when storing fuel debris and transferring canisters
  • Dose reduction for external environment affected by the radiation from temporary storage area

(8) Clean-up equipment

  • Dose reduction for external environment at temporary storage of equipment
Plant information
Assumptions and prerequisites
  • Air dose rate inside the PCV/RPV
    - Dose rate inside the PCV 100Gy/h
    - Dose rate inside the RPV 1kGy/h
  • Effective dose rate outside the PCV
    - Operation floor : 1mSv/h
    - Operation areas except for operation floor : 3mSv/h
    - Passageway inside the building : 5mSv/h