Example of method 1 "Retrieving fuel debris from the top (fixed transporting equipment)”

ⅰ) Challenges and reference information : (7) Retrieve fuel debris

Task(s): Methods of monitoring operation and arranging environment for cutting.

(7) Retrieve fuel debris - Major challenges on the actual method

(1)Prior preparation (2)Install barrier (3) Remove shield plug (4) Remove PCV/RPV upper head (5) Install equipment and access (6) Dismantle and remove internal structures (7)Retrieve fuel debris (8) Collect fuel debris and Transfer canister (9) Clean-up equipment

Cutting method

Method to cut fuel debris
⇒Cutting and dust collection technology
Plant information

Status check for fuel debris etc.

  • Method for monitoring fuel debris retrieval work etc.
  • Lighting method for monitoring
  • Identification of fuel debris
⇒ Visual and measurement technology
Plant information
Assumptions and prerequisites
  • PCV/RPV interior air dose rate
    - PCV interior dose rate 100Gy/h
    - RPV interior dose rate 1kGy/h
  • Visibility inside PCV/RPV is very low due to no lighting provided

Environmental effect

  • Environmental effects and impacts when retrieving fuel debris
  • Method for collection of cut chip etc.
⇒Cutting and dust collection technology
Plant information