FAQ : FY2013 Supplementary Budget (3rd Solicitation Round) R&D for Nuclear Decommissioning

Regarding procedures for applying to this subsidy program (Evaluation)

As for the “concrete implementation method and contents” requested to fill out in the application form (Form 2), which items in the application evaluation criteria and the score allotment table do correspond to the above-said requirements?


The items required to fill out in the application form (Form 2) are for the purpose of prescribing the contents to be proposed and therefore, they do not necessarily correspond to any specific items of the application evaluation criteria and the score allotment table.


Are the contents of and plans for the project in and after the next fiscal year also subject to evaluation?


Since this project aims to apply to Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the contents/plans for the project in and after FY2015 are also taken into account in the evaluation.


When will the presentation to the Examination and Evaluation Committee be made?


The schedule (date) for the presentation is presently under review. The schedule is planned to be made public before the application deadline (May 27, 2014).


What will be the time allocation for each presentation before the Examination and Evaluation Committee?


The time allowed for each presentation is expected to be about 15 minutes.

Regarding procedures for applying to this subsidy program (Miscellaneous)

In the case where a proposal in the form of a consortium including an independent administrative corporation is to be made, is it possible to add up personnel expenses for the employees of the independent administrative corporation?


Yes. It is possible. However, it is necessary for the applicant to submit a justification therefor with a valid reason as to why the personnel expenses of the independent administrative corporation need to be included in the expenses for the relevant support project. As for the details, please refer to the Subsidized Project Administration Manual.


As for the subsidy amount, is the consumption tax included in the amount?


No. No consumption tax is included in the subsidy amount.


Although it is required to describe project implementation plans in and after the next fiscal year as part of the project contents, what is the actual period subject to a subsidy grant?


Expenses incurring before the project completion date (March 31, 2015) are subject to subsidy grant. No subsidy will be provided to any expenses incurring after that date.


Despite the fact that project implementation plans in and after the next year are required to be proposed, why are the expenses incurring in and after the next fiscal year not subject to any subsidy grant?


That is because we cannot guarantee the subsidy grant for the next year (FY2015) and onward, as the implementation budget therefor is not secured at this point of time.

Regarding the project (Development of Technologies for the Detection of Fuel Debris inside Reactors)

As for the small detection system described in “Item 2. Project Contents (1)” of the Application Guidelines, is it possible to use existing equipment?


As for the small detection system, it is also possible to use existing equipment. In such a case, please describe in the proposal as to what kind of equipment is to be used.


As for the installation locations of the equipment, may we understand that the equipment needs to be installed at any two locational points among a number of designated installation locations? Also, may we understand that the specific designation of the installation locations are for Units 1 and 2 only and that the equipment for Unit 3 may be installed at any locations, as there is no description about the installation locations for Unit 3?


The equipment needs to be installed at designated locations. Even if any other locations than the designated ones are proposed on the ground that such other locations may have better detection performance, it is possible that such a proposal is judged to have low feasibility. However, it shall be noted that, including the installation locations for Unit 3, there is a possibility that the locations where the equipment is installed are changed depending on the situation of the site.


To whom does the proprietary right to a newly developed detection system belong?


That belongs to the subsidized project operating entity that developed the system. It shall be hereby taken notice that it is stipulated in the Rules on the Grand Policy for Subsidy that each project operating entity must have a management ledger of its acquired properties and administer them in a proper manner.


What does the evaluation of the resolution performance of muon detection mean? Does this mean the discernment ability of the detector to detect objects, or the resolution performance of the detector to find out muon’s energy, etc.?


As the aim of this project is to make it possible to discern objects, the evaluation is concerned with the location resolution performance of the detector for the sake of this aim. However, in order to guarantee the object discernment ability, it is allowed to include in the proposal evaluation of the resolution performance of the detector to detect muon per se.


What does “satisfactory dispatch of information” described in Item 2. (3) ⑦ of the Application Guidelines mean?


For the method of dispatch of information, a variety of forms (such as announcement on the Web, publication of PR magazines, presentations at conference) are available and please describe your own method in detail in your proposal.


It is requested to also describe plans for FY2015 and onwards in the proposal. Then, is it also necessary to describe the system/ structure to perform measurements for the next year and onward?


Please describe an implementation plan and contents for the next fiscal year in the proposal. As for implementation plans, etc. for the years following the next year, we do not prevent you from describing them in the proposal, if you desire that.