FAQ : FY2013 Supplementary Budget (6th Solicitation Round) R&D for Nuclear Decommissioning

Regarding procedures for applying to this subsidy program

As for projects subject to a subsidy based on a fixed amount, do they continue to be subject to a subsidy based on a fixed amount, in the next year and onward?


It has not been decided yet.

Regarding the projects (General)

When will “Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation”(which is expected to be created in the future) be officially established, and in what way will its strategic studies be conducted?


The Corporation is expected to be established based on a law. The details have not been determined yet.


Regarding the support projects whose implementation period run over two years, is there anything that will be done during FY 2014, such as monetary settlements?


We intend to check evidences for monetary settlements at the end of FY2014 as interim settlement verification measures. It shall be noted that there will also be cases where the verification is conducted at a different timing, besides the verification at the end of FY2014.

Regarding the project (Development of Technologies Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures)

Regarding “Item 2. Contents of Project (4)” of the Application Guidelines, is the implementation of element tests described therein mandatory?


Please make your development plans and implement element tests for those that are judged to be developable at this moment, based on the “Project Contents (1) to (3)”. Regarding the judgment on the necessity of element tests, we think it will be proceeded with through discussions between the subsidized operating entity and the agencies concerned.


The implementation plan and its contents for FY2015 are requested to be described in accordance with “Item 3. Project Term” of the Application Guidelines. Then, is it possible to extend the implementation period of element tests from one year to the next year? If that is possible, are the expenses required for the next year to be covered by the budget for the next year?


It is possible to conduct element tests extending from one year to the next year. Although we cannot guarantee that we obtain a necessary budget for the next year, expenses required in the next year are to be covered by the budget for the next year.


The core of the “Contents of Project” is the examination and creation of an implementation plan and scenarios. Although we think it difficult to establish indicators with numerical values, how should we establish them?


Please consider as easily understandable indicators as possible.