Project Result : FY2013 Supplementary Budget (6th Solicitation Round) R&D for Nuclear Decommissioning 2024.04.15 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for Integrity Evaluation of RPV and PCV (FY2015))” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on April 15, 2024] 2015.05.29 IRID’s progress report of subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures)” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on May 29, 2015] 2015.05.29 IRID’s progress report of subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV)” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on May 29, 2015] 2015.05.29 IRID’s progress report of subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for Integrity Evaluation of RPV and PCV)” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on May 29, 2015]