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[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Work Environmental Improvement in Reactor Building (Development of Systems for Remote Monitoring and Removal Operation for Removal of PCV Penetration Pipes etc.)
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV (Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV by using Existing Pipes) -
[Target Project]
Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Development of Access-from-Top/Side Investigation Method and Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method)
Development of Safety System (Development of Technologies for Improvement of Analysis Acceleration and Efficiency for Nuclear Fuel materials and Elements etc. with Difficulty to Analyze)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Investigation of Technological Option to Establish Flexible and Reasonable Waste Management) -
[Target Project]
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Equipment installed on Operation Floor such as Large Transportation Device etc. for Top-Access Partial Submersion Retrieval Method)
Development of Safety System (Liquid Processing System)
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Development of Technology for Handling of Powdery and Slurry/Sludge State Fuel Debris)
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Filling Stabilization Technologies and Fall Prevention and Mitigation Technologies during Processing Fuel Debris for Top-Access Partial Submersion Retrieval Method) -
[Target Project]
Development of Safety System (Technology Development for Analytical Method for Exposure Dose Evaluation) -
[Target Project]
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technologies for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Non-Destructive Measurement Technologies for Sorting and Segregation of Fuel Debris and Others) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Work Environmental Improvement in Reactor Building (Development of Exposure Reduction Technologies by Improved Functional Digitalization of Environment and Radioactive Source Distribution)
Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Advancement of Processing Technologies in Access-from-Top Investigation Method and Development of Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method)
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris
Development of Safety System (Acquisition of Dust Dispersion Data)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Research and Development of Solidification of Slurry with Cement and Alkali Activated Material)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Preliminary Investigation of Technological Option to Establish Flexible and Reasonable Waste Management) -
[Target Project]
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV (Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV by using Existing Pipes) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Work Environmental Improvement in Reactor Building (Development of Corrosion Control Technologies using Cathodic Protection for Suppression Chamber Support Column)
Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Advancement of Processing Technologies in Access-from-Top Investigation Method and Development of Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method)
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technologies for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Estimation Technologies of RPV Damaged Condition, etc.)
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technologies for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Non-Destructive Measurement Technologies for Sorting and Segregation of Fuel Debris and Others)
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Control Rod Drive Housing Cutting and Removal Technologies)
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies required for Storage of Fuel Debris in Powder and Slurry/Sludge State)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Development of Technologies of Collecting Adsorbent from Cesium Adsorption Vessel and Contamination Evaluation to Segregate Solid Waste) -
[Target Project]
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Isolation Technologies for Preventing Spread of Contamination during Retrieval and Transportation of Large Components) -
[Target Project]
Development of Safety System (Technology Development of Analytical Method for Exposure Dose Evaluation) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Fuel Debris Retrieval Gradually Expanded Its Scale -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Work Environmental Improvement in Reactor Building (Development of Exposure Reduction Technologies by Digitalization of Environment and Radioactive Source Distribution)
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Estimation Technology of Aging Properties of Fuel Debris)
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy, Thermal Behavior Estimation, and Abbreviated Analysis)
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Fuel Debris Dust Dispersion Suppression Technologies)
Development of Safety System (Acquisition of Dust Dispersion Data)
Development of Remote Maintenance Technologies for Remote Operation Devices
Development of Assistive Technologies for Integration Management of Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Development of Continuous Monitoring System in PCV) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Fuel Debris Retrieval Gradually Expanded Its Scale
Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris
Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method
Development of Safety System (Liquid/Gas System, Technologies for Criticality Control)
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Drying Technologies for Fuel Debris)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Remote Handling Technologies for Obstacles Removal and Work Environment improvement)
Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Fuel Debris Dust Dispersion Suppression Technology)
Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Technologies for Sorting and Distinction between Fuel Debris and Radioactive Waste)
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Handling Fuel Debris in Powder and Slurry/Sludge State)
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Research and Development of Solidification of Slurry with Cement and Alkali Activated Material) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Technologies for Ensuring Safety during Fuel Debris Retrieval) -
[Target Project]
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Examination of Evaluation Technology for Integrity of Container during Storage of Highly Radioactive Solid Waste) -
[Target Project]
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy and Thermal Behavior Estimation of Fuel Debris)
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV
Development of Technologies for Fuel Debris Retrieval Gradually Expanded Its Scale -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside (On-site demonstration of Technologies for In-depth Investigation considering measures of deposits) -
[Target Project]
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Estimation Technology of Aging Properties of Fuel Debris) -
[Target Project]
Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris
Development of Sampling Technologies for Retrieving Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Technologies for Retrieving Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Technologies for Retrieving Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development for Dust Collection System of Fuel Debris)
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside (On-site demonstration of Technologies for In-depth Investigation through X-6 penetration)
Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside (On-site demonstration of Technologies for In-depth Investigation considering measures of deposits) -
[Target Project]
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV
Advancement of Retrieval Method and System of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of technology for criticality control in fuel debris retrieval)
Development of closed circulation systems for water inside PCV
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Research and development on preceding processing methods and analytical methods) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Grasping and Analyzing Properties of Fuel Debris (Estimation of Aging Properties of Fuel Debris) -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Grasping and Analyzing Properties of Fuel Debris
Advancement of Retrieval Method and System of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Advancement of Fundamental Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Sampling Technologies for Retrieving Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste
Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside -
[Target Project]
Project of Development of Fundamental Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Small Neutron Detectors) -
[Target Project]
Upgrading Level of Grasping State inside Reactor
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of PCV
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV
Development of Corrosion Inhibition Technology for RPV and PCV
Development and Management of Evaluation Method of Seismic Performance/Impact of RPV and PCV
Development of Criticality Control Technologies of Fuel Debris
Development of Repair Technology for Leakage Sections in PCV
Full-scale Test of Repair Technology for Leakage Sections in PCV -
[Target Project]
Project of Development of Fundamental Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures -
[Target Project]
Development of Survey Technology for Inside of RPV -
[Target Project]
Project of Development of Fundamental Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Project of Upgrading Approach and System for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures -
[Target Project]
Evaluation of Long-term Integrity of Fuel Assembly Retrieved from Spent Fuel Pool
Advancement of Grasping Conditions inside Reactor by Accident Progression Analysis and Actual Data, etc.
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris
Development of Criticality Control Technologies of Fuel Debris
Grasping Properties of Fuel Debris
Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste -
[Target Project]
Demonstration Project for Verification Tests of Tritium Separation Technologies -
[Target Project]
Development of Criticality Control Technologies of Fuel Debris
Development of Remote Decontamination Technology in the Reactor Building
Properties Analysis of Actual Debris
Development of Technologies for Non-destructive Detection of Radioactive Material Deposited in S/C, etc.
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of PCV -
[Target Project]
Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval
Feasibility Study of Visual and Measurement Technology for Innovative Approach
Feasibility Study of Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection for Innovative Approach -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Repair and Water Stoppage of Leakage Sections in PCV
Full-scale Test for Repairing Leaks from PCV and Water Stoppage of PCV -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV
Development of Technologies for Integrity Evaluation of RPV and PCV -
[Target Project]
Demonstration Project for Verification Tests of Tritium Separation Technologies -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris -
[Target Project]
Development of Technologies for the Detection of Fuel Debris inside Reactors -
[Target Project]
Demonstration Project for Seawater Purification Technologies
Demonstration Project for Technologies for Capturing Radioactive Substances from Soil
Demonstration Project of Technologies for the Decontamination of Contaminated Water Tanks
Demonstration Project for Unmanned Boring Technologies -
[Target Project]
Assessing Conditions Inside Reactor through application of Severe Accident Analysis Code
Development of Technologies for Characterization and Processing of Fuel Debris
Investigation of Method for Processing Damaged Fuel, etc. Retrieved from Spent Fuel Pool
Evaluation of Long-term Integrity of Fuel Assembly, etc. Retrieved from Spent Fuel Pool
Development of Technologies for Processing and Disposal of Accident Waste