(FY2014 Implementation) Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV 2014.06.18About the Sixth Solicitation of Entities for the “Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on June 18, 2014] No relevant information found 2014.07.01The Result of Solicitation for the subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) “Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on July 1, 2014] 2015.05.29IRID’s progress report of subsidy program (the Sixth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV)” in the FY2013 Supplementary Budget [Released on May 29, 2015] (FY2022 Implementation) Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Advancement of Processing Technologies in Access-from-Top Investigation Method and Development of Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method) (FY2023 Implementation)Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Advancement of Processing Technologies in Access-from-Top Investigation Method and Development of Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method) (FY2022 Implementation) Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV (Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV by using Existing Pipes)