Updated Information Browse by Supplementary Budget 2023.07.12 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the Second solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Assistive Technologies for Integration Management of Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Development of Continuous Monitoring System in PCV) (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on July 12, 2023] 2023.07.12 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Safety System (Liquid/Gas System, Technologies for Criticality Control) (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on July 12, 2023] 2023.07.12 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management (Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Development of Technologies of Collecting Adsorbent from Cesium Adsorption Vessel and Contamination Evaluation to Segregate Solid Waste) (FY2022))” starting FY2022 [Released on July 12, 2023] 2023.07.12 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on July 12, 2023] 2023.07.03 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for In-depth Investigation of PCV Inside (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on July 3, 2023] 2023.06.23 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management (Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies required for Storage of Fuel Debris in Powder and Slurry/Sludge State) (FY2022))” starting FY2022 [Released on June 23, 2023] 2023.06.23 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management (Development of Investigation Technologies of Inside of RPV (Advancement of Processing Technologies in Access-from-Top Investigation Method and Development of Access-from-Bottom Investigation Method) (FY2022))” starting FY2022 [Released on June 23, 2023] 2023.06.23 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris (Drying Technologies for Fuel Debris) (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on June 23, 2023] 2023.06.23 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the Fifth solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Isolation Technologies for Preventing Spread of Contamination during Retrieval and Transportation of Large Components) (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on June 23, 2023] 2023.03.01 IHI’s summary results of subsidy program (the Fourth solicitation) for the ”Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Remote Handling Technologies for Obstacles Removal and Work Environment improvement))” starting FY2020 [Released on March 1, 2023] 2023.02.10 CRIEPI’s summary results of subsidy program (the Fourth solicitation) for the ”Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Research and Development of Solidification of Slurry with Cement and Alkali Activated Material))” starting FY2020 [Released on February 10, 2023] 2023.02.08 TENEX’s summary results of subsidy program (the Second solicitation) for the ”Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste (Examination of Evaluation Technology for Integrity of Container during Storage of Highly Radioactive Solid Waste))” starting FY2020 [Released on February 8, 2023] 2023.01.26 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the Second solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Project of Upgrading Approach and System for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (FY2015))” in the FY2014 Supplementary Budget [Released on January 26, 2023] 2023.01.26 IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Evaluation of Long-term Integrity of Fuel Assembly Retrieved from Spent Fuel Pool (FY2015))” in the FY2014 Supplementary Budget [Released on January 26, 2023] 2022.12.20 The summary results of VNS and KJ on subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Research and Development of Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste)” starting FY2021 [Released on December 20, 2022]