(FY2021 Implementation) Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method 2021.03.12The First Solicitation of Entities for the “Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management” starting FY2021 [Released on March 1, 2021, Updated on March 12, 2021] 2021.04.02The Result of Solicitation for the Subsidy Program (the First solicitation) “Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management” starting FY2021 [Released on April 2, 2021] 2022.10.03IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (FY2021))” starting FY2021 [Released on October 3, 2022] 2023.07.12IRID’s summary results of subsidy program (the First solicitation) for the” Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (FY2022))” starting FY2021 [Released on July 12, 2023] (FY2014 Implementation) Development of Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (FY2014 Implementation) Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval and Feasibility Study of Essential Technologies (FY2015/16 Implementation) Project of Upgrading Approach and System for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (FY2017/18 Implementation) Advancement of Retrieval Method and System of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (FY2018 Implementation) Advancement of Retrieval Method and System of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of technology for criticality control in fuel debris retrieval) (FY2019/20 Implementation) Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (FY2019/20 Implementation) Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures(Development for Dust Collection System of Fuel Debris) (FY2020/21 Implementation) Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Technologies for Ensuring Safety during Fuel Debris Retrieval) (FY2020/21 Implementation) Development of Technologies for scaling up Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures (Development of Technologies for Sorting and Distinction between Fuel Debris and Radioactive Waste) (FY2021 Implementation) Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Fuel Debris Dust Dispersion Suppression Technologies) (FY2021 Implementation) Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Isolation Technologies for Preventing Spread of Contamination during Retrieval and Transportation of Large Components) (FY2022 Implementation) Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Control Rod Drive Housing Cutting and Removal Technologies) (FY2023/24 Implementation)Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method(Development of Equipment installed on Operation Floor such as Large Transportation Device etc. for Top-Access Partial Submersion Retrieval Method) (FY2023/24 Implementation)Development of Fuel Debris Retrieval Method (Development of Filling Stabilization Technologies and Fall Prevention and Mitigation Technologies during Processing Fuel Debris for Top-Access Partial Submersion Retrieval Method) (FY2021 Implementation) Development of Safety System (Liquid/Gas System, Technologies for Criticality Control) (FY2021 Implementation) Development of Remote Maintenance Technologies for Remote Operation Devices (FY2021 Implementation) Development of Safety System (Acquisition of Dust Dispersion Data)